Service Description:
Services provide a variety of interventions designed to maximize the functioning of persons with developmental disabilities. Services may include but are not limited to habilitative therapies, special developmental skills, behavior interventions, and sensorimotor development.
Services are designed to assist Division members in acquiring, retaining, and improving the self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills necessary to reside successfully in home and community-based settings. The services include the provision of training in independent living skills or special developmental skills, orientation and mobility training, sensorimotor development, and behavioral management.
Service Goals:
- To enable the member to acquire knowledge and skills and be a valued member of his or her community based on his or her own choices
- To provide training to increase or maintain the member’s self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills to live and participate with his or her family in the community
- To assist the member in achieving and maintaining a quality life that promotes the member’s vision for the future and priorities
- To adjust the dependence on this service as natural supports become available in the member’s home or community
- To encourage and develop the identification and the use of natural supports and reduce the need for this paid support
Service Objectives:
Heart To Heart Behavioral Health Group Home shall ensure that the following objectives are met:
- In accordance with the member’s planning document [e.g., Individual Support Plan (“ISP”)], develop:
- Individualized and time-limited outcomes based on assessment data and input from the member and the member’s representative, which will allow the member to achieve his or her vision for the future and priorities.
- A specific teaching strategy for each habilitative outcome within twenty (20) business days after initiating service for a new or a continuing placement and whenever a new outcome is identified for the member. The specific teaching strategy for each outcome shall identify the schedule for implementation, the frequency and duration of services, data collection methods, and the steps to be followed to teach the new skill.
- A “home program” which can be routinely implemented by the member/caregiver in the course of daily living to reinforce the acquisition of skills to achieve outcomes.
- Changes to specific outcome(s) and strategies, as agreed upon by the member’s planning team, based on the presence or absence of measurable progress by the member.
- As identified in the member’s planning document, provide training and assistance, such as:
- Assistance and training related to personal and physical needs and routine daily living skills;
- Implementing strategies to address behavioral concerns, developing behavior support programs, and coordinating with behavioral health programs to ensure the proper review of medication treatment plans;
- Ensuring that the health needs of the member are being met, including providing follow-up as requested by the member’s Primary Care Provider (“PCP”) or medical specialist;
- Implementing all therapeutic recommendations including speech, occupational, and physical therapy and assisting members in following special diets, exercise routines, or other therapeutic programs;
- Mobility training, alternative, or adaptive communication training;
- Opportunities for training and practice in basic life skills such as shopping, banking, money management, access and use of community resources, community survival skills, etc.; and
- Assisting members in utilizing community transportation resources to support the member in all daily living activities (e.g., day treatment and training, employment situation, medical appointments, visits with family and friends, and other community activities) as identified within the member’s planning document.
- Play an active role in ensuring that services with other involved entities, including day treatment and training providers, healthcare providers, and schools, are coordinated to meet the needs of the members served.
- As identified in the member’s planning document, provide training and assistance to the member/member’s representative to increase or maintain the targeted skill acquisition of the member.
- With input from the member, the member’s representative, and other people important to the member, develop strategies for habilitative outcomes that can be carried out in the context of the member’s daily routine.
- Communicate with the member/member’s representative regarding how the plan is working when the direct service staff is not present.